
Master Your Mind

Master Your Mind


Your Next Level Starts Here


"We all live in cages with the doors wide open."

Think about that for a second. How often do we sit in those cages, convinced we are trapped? We tell ourselves stories about why we can’t move forward, like “I don’t have enough time” or “I don’t have enough money”. But the truth is, the door isn’t locked. It’s wide open.

So, what’s stopping you from walking through? Is it really your circumstances? Or are they the limits you have created for yourself? Maybe it’s the fear of failing, of trying and not getting it right. So instead of pushing forward, you settle. You make excuses. You stay busy balancing work, life, and family because life demands it, and you tell yourself, “This is just how it is.”

But deep down, you know that’s not true. Life isn’t supposed to feel like a constant struggle. You’re meant for more. But it all starts with one thing: mastering your mind.

At Master Your Mind LIVE Series, we are here to help you break free from that cage—for GOOD. It’s a total shift in how you see yourself and your possibilities. Together with 6 Top Mindset Coaches, we will dive into the principles that shape your reality and show you how to turn fear into potential.

So, ask yourself, are you ready to stop playing small? To stop letting fear and doubt hold you back? The door’s open. All you have to do is walk through it. Let’s do this! 

Schedule and Speakers will be revealed soon!

Join the GoGet'Em Community to get access to "Master Your Mind : 5 Day LIVE Series" and transform your life

Daily Schedule

5 Day LIVE Series

Monday | December 2nd | 3 PM EST

Control Your Emotions, Control Your Income

By the age of 21, he had endured more loss than most face in a lifetime. His father was murdered, close family members passed tragically, and he was shunned by everyone he knew after leaving a controlling cult. Left with nothing and $350,000 in debt, he hit rock bottom. Against all odds, he rebuilt his life, became a multi-millionaire, and now he’s known for doing in one session what therapists or business coaches can’t offer in a year often doing this through his 4-Step Process. A bestselling author, he’s been a regular or featured on shows like Fox and Friends, Inside Edition, and The Doctors.

Tuesday | December 3rd | 3 PM EST

Amplify Your Influence

She grew up in a home marked by addiction and abuse, and she decided at a very early age that she would break that cycle. She also learned early that financial independence was not just about money, it was about freedom and safety, so she educated herself about finances, learned the skills and built strategies that became the foundation of her multi-seven-figure business. Today, she teaches others how financial knowledge creates freedom and uses her success to support women escaping similar situations. Her past doesn’t define her—it fuels her mission.

Wednesday | December 4th | 3 PM EST

Surprise Keynote

He grew up dreaming of playing college basketball, but when he was cut from the team, it felt like everything he had worked for was gone. He felt lost for a while, but then one day he met a CEO who shared life-changing advice: “If you learn how to sell, you’ll always be employed”. That conversation changed everything, leading him to master sales, leadership, and influence and to build a career driven by purpose and impact.

This session is exclusively for the GoGet’Em Community Premium Package

Wednesday | December 4th | 3:30 PM EST

From an Au Pair to a Millionaire

“One time on a flight, I was chatting with an older woman as the plane prepared to take off. I used to be nervous about flying, so I paused the conversation to pray and a few seconds later, she tapped my leg and asked ‘Do you believe in God?’ I said yes, and she looked at me and asked ‘Do you always believe in God, or just sometimes?’ Those words changed everything. It made me realize that fear only exists when faith is absent. From that moment on, I decided to trust that any idea placed in my heart was meant for me and that faith—not fear—would guide my life.”

Thursday | December 5th | 3 PM EST

Rewrite Your Story: The Power of Manifestation Identity

She spent years believing she was broken, shaped by bullying and the idea that she had to change to be worthy of success or happiness. For 30 years, her birthday wish was the same: “I wish I were skinny.” In 2020, everything changed. She stopped seeking validation outside herself and discovered she wasn’t broken at all. By embracing her true worth, she found the confidence and freedom she had been searching for. Now, she’s here to help you see that your flaws don’t define you and show you the strength already inside you.

Friday | December 6th | 3 PM EST

The Season of Disappointment

When his mother suffered a brain bleed, he moved back home to support his family, facing challenges that would forever shape his life. Through this experience, he discovered his own strength, learning he was capable of taking responsibility for others, even when it felt overwhelming. This journey taught him that focus creates results, leadership means making tough decisions, and financial resources are about more than money—they buy time, options, and freedom. By 27, he was able to pay cash for a condo for his mother, ensuring she had what she needed when it mattered most.

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